Sense and Sensuality

by Jenna McClelland, December 14, 2021

The perception and experience of your reality is translated through the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind holds the key to change and transformation. Within the liveliness of the unconscious mind, everything we encounter exists as a result of our five senses: Visual (sight), Auditory (sound), Kinesthetic (feeling/ touch), Olfactory (smell), and Gustatory (taste). 

The luscious gifts of life are received by the invitation of these elements into our lives. Keep in mind, this invitation only exists if the state of presence is activated. In order to create a life full of sensuality and pleasure, we must be present and connect with our senses by observation so we can embody and experience the beauty life has to offer. 

What happens, though, is we are so distracted from the present moment that we disconnect from the ability to participate in a life filled with more depth. If our minds are in a constant state of worry, overstimulation, or hurry we are denying ourselves the opportunity to live in a state of wholeness, happiness, and ecstasy. We have forgotten that the most potent expression and arousal of life is in the now. 

Why choose to live in a stale, underappreciated reality? Why not step into imagination and carry that experience with you everywhere you go? Why is it such a challenge for us to see the beauty that evolves within the practice of presence? My guess is our continuous state of overstimulation and lack desensitizes us.

Life is sensual. It should be indulged and felt down to the very bone.

How often are we mindlessly connecting with others and our environment? Especially whenever we listen to speak, not listen to listen and be present to hear, develop empathy, and deep understanding of individuals, ourselves, and the world. When we activate the state of presence, sensuality is heightened and takes form as creative energy, divinity, and intelligence. When this energy flows through my body there is an undeniable association with the world around me and anything feels possible, because IT IS!

Sensuality is consciously taking in all that is around you. Each morning, you have the choice every step of the way to make it a sensual experience. When we take those first steps, with deliberate intention we feel different; it makes a difference in our body and reality. There is often a solidity and a calmness that evolves when creating pleasure in any given moment.

At its core, the practice of yoga is the practice of self-sensuality and how that state can peel the layers back into your soul, your spirit. Where there is sensuality there is wisdom and curiosity. Sensuality invites us to explore ourselves in ways where we can move in flow, connect to the micro, and pay attention to the sensations that our breath, our body, and environment are communicating. It's a conversation that envelopes us in delight, appreciation, and love.

Over the years, as I have progressed within the world of herbalism, I have learned to understand that the power of Aphrodisiacs stems from presence itself. The element that specifically categorizes an herb as an aphrodisiac is called a nervine which connects us to the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and calms us so that we can evaluate the minute details within our experiences that ultimately create the macro. 

Turning our backs on our sensuality affects our Chi/ Life Force energy leaving us in a space of dormancy and disconnection, the deep depth of principal energy that often runs below the surface of busy, everyday life, is forgotten and life feels underwhelming; desire for life seems to go missing. To listen to your SELF. To connect to SELF. To give your SELF the best in every moment. To make art with your own body and the world around you, completely unattached to how it looks as a whole is liberating!

As an artist, I eventually realized that fantasy was at the heart of my creative process. To first imagine something and then proceed to manifest it is what sensuality and creativity is all about. It’s kind of a miracle. It’s freeing. It’s healing. It’s nurturing. It’s good for you. It’s good for your health, your mental health, your stress levels.

Now, go on and smell the roses!


Investing in Yourself

by Jenna McClelland, November 30, 2021

If you could truly invest in for yourself, what would it be?!

There are countless benefits to investing in yourself. When we invest in ourselves and our growth, we enrich our lives by introducing ourselves to new people, ideas, passions, and experiences we might have never encountered otherwise. It creates a life that is more satisfying, fulfilling, and, balanced. 

Quite frankly, if you don’t invest in yourself, no one else will do it for you! You, and you alone, are in control of your life, your health, and purpose. If you do not work on learning new skills, creating a better life, and expanding your spirit, then it’s never going to happen.

Time is a form of investment. We ALL have time to fit in to study that interest, to read that book, or to meditate and so forth. When we committ to our investments, we must prioritize our goals so we can acheive what we desire the most.

The second form of investment, which happens to be the most challenging and triggering, is money. The center of the universe! Unfortunately, we have been conditioned since childhood to hoard our resources and be afraid of money. We were never taught how to confidentally handle money with ease and grace nor that is something that is abundant. Ultimately, we ended up believing that there was never enough and there will never be enough and that illusion controls our lives. 

Impact is created through believing there IS abundance. Abundance consciousness takes practice and true commitment. When we embrace our transactions—whether receiving or spending—knowing money is energy and energy is flow we align ourselves with the abundance of the universe that is readily accessible. Truth is, there is more than enough for everyone and the more you evolve yourself you will see just how true this is.

When we heal our conditioned relationship with money, we are acheving greater health. And health is wealth, my friends, and we all deserve to be rich!


Reprogram the Programming

by Jenna McClelland, October 13, 2021

Stepping into your own personal power begins when we recognize that we are born free. 

​Unfortunately, as the story goes, as soon as we are born society hooks our attention and introduces specific rules into our mind. These rules are established through the uses of the Mom and Dad, schools, religion, authority, and so forth to teach us how to integrate into the modern dreamlike state that is our current society. Early on, the adults around us grabbed our attention and put information into our minds through deep repetition which is the way we have learned everything we know and how the media continues to keep us under its spell. 

​We learned how to behave and how to think, what to believe and what not to believe, what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, what is good and bad, what is beautiful and ugly, and what is right and wrong. All that knowledge, all those rules and ideas about how to behave in the world was already in existence. We never had the opportunity to choose who we are or learn for ourselves! Isn't that wild?! This realization is the first step to recognizing we have all been strapped and buckled into a premeditated matrix and it began from conception. 

Freedom begins with self-sovereignty; with not outsourcing agency and giving your power away.

What next?! Unlearn everything you have been taught from birth and relearn everything by questioning mainstream information, participating in personal research and self-reflection, meditating on how you feel, and evaluating your stance. Ask yourself, "Are these my words or someone else's?" or, "Do I truly and wholeheartedly believe in what is coming out of my mouth or am I saying this because I heard it from someone else?". After that, speak YOUR truth.​

Similiar to your yoga practice, this provides us with limitless opportunities to up level. My invitation to you is to redefine who you have been told you are and consider the power behind becoming self-sufficient, radically honest, and in flow with your spirit.

Woah, What Was That?

by Jenna McClelland, September 24, 2021

Did everyone feel the energetic shift this week or was it just me?!

Within the span of a few days, we experienced the change of the seasons from Summer into Autumn, felt the cooling of the breeze on our skin, and heard the whispers of Mercury Retrograde calling as it aligns within the stars on September 27th.

Not only has this week left me feeling completely ungrounded and internally foggy, my computer decided to crash--as if it has a mind of it's own--and I nearly lost five years of my life and hard work's worth of material. Our dependence on these screen boxes and handheld devices continues to baffle my mind, especially when you step back and look at how these technological operators create a "functioning" society... but, hey, that's modern life right?

When life comes crashing down, or at least feels that way, we've got two choices: to react, stress, and worry until we can barely see clearly OR take a step back, breathe, and choose to respond and surrender to what is happening in front of us.

We all have problems. Whether that be a flat tire, an argument with a loved one, we feel like there is never enough time in the day, or a business deal that fell through. Problems can seem to be endless! BUT...

What do we do when these things happen? How do we handle or respond to it?

We must repeat a wildly accurate mantra from the writer Marie Forleo: Everything is Figureoutable. Everything is Figureoutable. EVERYTHING IS FIGUREOUTABLE.

Nearly every problem has a solution. It’s a fact. It might not be the solution you want, but there is always going to be a solution. Each problem presents you an opportunity to learn about yourself so you can heal, grow, expand, and improve. It may not be easy, but I invite you to remember:

When you surrender to the fact that everything is figureoutable, you are free.


Seeing all that you can Accomplish

by Jenna McClelland, September 1, 2021

We all have the power to manifest our dreams; to magnetize the limitless source of abundance that is omnipresent. First step, you have to believe in its accessibility in every moment. What happens, though, is our little friend the Ego likes to jump in to second guess new outlets of thought that facilitate change. 

Your mind and body (aka your nervous system) like to keep you comfortable. I know you are familiar with this. Keep in mind, we have been wired and programmed to choose safety over taking action, expressing ourselves authentically, and experiencing true freedom of Self due to the excuses or limiting beliefs we have doctored in our unconscious mind.

All learning, all behavior, all change is unconscious.

Here are some tools, through the practice of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), that will help you align with the state of abundance: 

BE.... Sit quietly. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath and feel into your body. In your mind's eye, visualize yourself experiencing your deepest desire of success. Be observant and BEcome that vibration. What does it feel like to experience your success? What emotion does it bring you? BE that frequency.

DO.... Action. Don't overthink or second guess, just DO. This is the "move toward" energy, it's about what you DO want. Move into the action of creating what you BEcame and what you are. What is the cause and effect of taking responsibility for what you desire? Think of the formula, "If, Then".... IF I do this, THEN I will have that!

HAVE.... Results. You are in charge of your mind, therefore your results. The physical manifestation of your success.


How to Sharpen Your Psychic Abilities

by Jenna McClelland, August 13, 2021

What is the first step to honing in on our psychic abilities?

We first begin by cultivating a positive relationship with our Subconscious Mind through the Internal Representations of our inner and outer worlds. It is up to us to recognize and take ownership of our innate power that thrives within us so we can manifest our desires and connect deeply to ourselves and others. 

Internal Representations (IRs) are visual photographs or mini movie scenes that we see in our mind's eye that connect us to our past, the present moment, and/ or the future. Our perception of our reality shapes our world and the world we live in. What thoughts do you have? Have those thoughts or IR's helped frame or lead you to a decision? 

Have you ever experienced an image flash in your mind's eye and, rather than dismissing it, you act upon it and it turns out you were right?! That was you using your ability!

With literally two million bits of information coming at us from every angle at every moment, we tend to dismiss valid insight and put distrust into our intuition. By paying attention to our self talk and the flashes of IRs, we can better grasp how we create ourselves and our world. The goal is to quite the mind so that you can be the watcher, the visualizer, and the receiver!